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Senators Klobuchar, Merkley, and Rules Committee Colleagues Urge Capitol Police Board to Obtain Input in Search For Capitol Police Chief

Capitol Police Board should ensure meaningful input from the Senate community and provide transparency in the search and selection process

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chairwoman of the Senate Rules Committee with oversight over the U.S. Capitol Police, and Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) led a letter with six colleagues to the Capitol Police Board urging it to conduct an inclusive and transparent search for the next Capitol Police Chief. In their letter, the Senators highlighted how the insurrection on January 6th eroded trust in departmental leadership among the rank-and-file officers. The letter noted that, according to the United States Capitol Police Labor Committee, more than 70 officers have resigned or retired since January 6th. 

“Following the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the morale of the rank and file Capitol Police officers who defended our democracy has been a particularly significant concern. Many officers have highlighted how their trust in departmental leadership has been undermined and raised concerns regarding inadequate preparation for that day, insufficient training and equipment, and lack of communication and support during the attack,” the lawmakers wrote.

“This search process takes place at a time when earning the confidence of rank and file officers and all those who work on Capitol Hill will be key in determining the effectiveness of the new Chief of Police,” the members continued. “…A transparent and inclusive selection process is important to restore trust and faith in both the USCP and Capitol Police Board, as well as to provide accountability to rank and file officers and the Members and public whom the USCP serves.”

The letter went on to ask that the Capitol Police Board provide additional information regarding the search and selection process.

Klobuchar and Merkley were joined on the letter by Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Mark Warner (D-VA), Patrick Lehy (D-VT), Angus King (I-ME), Alex Padilla (D-CA), and Jon Ossoff (D-GA).

The full text of the letter can be found here and below:

Dear Members of the Capitol Police Board:

We write to urge the Capitol Police Board to take steps to ensure meaningful input from the Senate community and ensure transparency in the search and selection process for the next Chief of Police for the United States Capitol Police (USCP).  

Following the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the morale of the rank and file Capitol Police officers who defended our democracy has been a particularly significant concern. Many officers have highlighted how their trust in departmental leadership has been undermined and raised concerns regarding inadequate preparation for that day, insufficient training and equipment, and lack of communication and support during the attack. According to the United States Capitol Police Labor Committee, 70 officers have resigned or retired since January 6th.  

This search process takes place at a time when earning the confidence of rank and file officers and all those who work on Capitol Hill will be key in determining the effectiveness of the new Chief of Police. It also occurs as we have seen a recent increase in threats against Members of Congress and as many congressional staff, including those from communities of color, are struggling in their own lives in the aftermath of January 6th and against the backdrop of a national conversation on policing. 

A transparent and inclusive selection process is important to restore trust and faith in both the USCP and Capitol Police Board, as well as to provide accountability to rank and file officers and the Members and public whom the USCP serves. With the selection process now underway, we ask that the Board provide the following information:

  • What efforts have been made to solicit feedback from rank and file officers, from the Capitol Hill community, and from any external organizations during the selection process, in addition to whether there will be any further efforts to seek such input;
  • What measures have been taken in terms of outreach and recruitment to solicit applicants, including applicants from diverse backgrounds; and
  • What experience, factors, and other characteristics will be prioritized in the selection process.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. We appreciate a response by Friday, June 25, 2021. 

